Joint Supplements for Dogs

Choosing a Joint supplement for our dog can be overwhelming. Andrew the founder of Jointly365, explains why researching the ingredients of a product is so important and ensures your dog gets the best joint support possible.

Here we consider the following:

What ingredients and why?

What to look for when choosing a joint supplement?


We all know that as dogs progress from middle to old age they tend to decrease their levels of activity to some degree. This can be due to many reasons, but ageing and stiff joints are one of the most commonly seen. 

Stiff joints are caused by the degeneration of the normal joint structure which leads to the aches and pains that become worse as they get older – which some of us may have experienced ourselves…..

There are many approaches we can take to this progressive condition - such as exercise and weight management, complementary therapies, or prescription medication - and though they will not be discussed here today, it is important to remember a holistic and multi-pronged approach to stiff joints is always the best way forward.

Today we will be discussing joint supplements - one of the most commonly used methods to help dogs with stiff joints.

But with so many out there to choose from, how do you choose one that is best for your dog?

My simple approach to this is there are only two things you can do with a supplement: soothe the stiff joints themselves, and provide the necessary structural ingredients that a joint requires to function as well as it can.

If you can successfully achieve both, you are on the right track. Only achieving one or the other, is a sub-optimal and unnecessary situation.

The provision of structural ingredients is a more simple topic, and will be looked at shortly, but soothing joints and working with the bodies own natural anti-inflammatory system is a more complex area.

One of the most studied and effective methods of achieving soothing joints is by using marine sourced omega 3 oils. These are a type of essential fatty acid – EFA (that has to be eaten as it can’t be made by the body – hence ‘essential’), which moderate the bodies inflammatory response, so helping aching joints. These are hard to provide at high levels in normal food due to rancidity problems during storage.

Even though only a few EFAs such as EPA or DHA are ever discussed, there are dozens of them that contribute to the overall effect in different ways. So the quality and balance of those is critical in achieving the results we want. Some fish oils and mussel powders are of poor quality for what we are trying to do in a joint supplement. And this is where the big issue lies for choosing products – it is hard to know which is which.

Those who are more sure of their product will have conducted a clinical trial and published it, so owners and vets can scrutinise the methodology and results. And you should be looking for high levels of cold water marine sourced Omega 3’s – enough to carry a regulated claim that it can “XYZ”.

The second part of the equation is providing all the structural elements the joint requires, which is critical as this is a long term condition. Depending on the food that you feed your dog, these will be supplied in higher or lower quantities, but rarely to the levels that are provided by a quality supplement.

You should be looking for ingredients that will help the production of the cartilage and joint fluid such as glucosamine, N-Acetyl glucosamine (a special type of glucosamine that is utilised more readily by the body) and hyaluronic acid, that will all help the joint function to the best of its ability.

Additionally, we can help remove free radicals, which speed up the degradation of the joint. High levels of antioxidants such as vitamin E and C are what to look for here.

So if you are using a joint supplement now, remember the condition progresses and you may be able to help your dog more by changing to a more concentrated alternative.

With this in mind, if you feel the supplement you are currently using may not be giving the best response to what is a progressive condition, or just want to start with the better alternatives out there, consider trialling one that contains the ingredients mentioned previously.

And finally, there is also the cost element of the supplement – both financially and environmentally. Generally speaking buying one from your local veterinary practice will be more expensive than elsewhere, due to the profit margins vets operate on, though you will most likely be able to get extra advice at the same time.

And nowadays you don’t need to settle for using blister packs that aren’t recycled or even plastic pots anymore, when there are technically brilliant plastic free packaging materials around. No-one want s to use more plastic than we need to, and with around 12 million dogs in the UK now, we all need to do our bit to help the environment we love to get out into with our dogs.

However using a trusted supplier with a clinical study, the regulatory claim on the pack, who is also able to give advice, usually provides the most value.

 Jointly365 has been developed by Andrew Little BVetMed. Andrew worked in practice for many years before gaining 15 years of product development experience in major animal health companies, including with market leading joint supplements products in UK and abroad. He has combined this experience to focus on dog joints, producing a natural, sustainable, plastic free joint supplement, with both soothing and structural ingredients carefully chosen and tailored to provide the very best for your dog - that is roughly half the price of veterinary alternatives to ensure as many owners as possible can access quality care for their dogs.



Holistic Care of your Senior Dog

It is inevitable that as our beloved dogs age their requirements will change and they start to show visible signs of slowing down and a reluctance to perform tasks which they once enjoyed.

Here are a few pointers to look out for and changes to put in place which can make a positive difference to your senior dogs quality of life and make the transition into their golden years a little easier.

Senior Dog 3.PNG

Possibly the first sign that your dog is feeling his advancing years is loss of mobility, general stiffness or a reluctance to do certain activities.

Noticing that our dog is limping is an easy sign to spot but sometimes things can be much more subtle. They could suddenly refuse to jump in or out of the car, be constantly licking their legs, struggle to lift themselves off of their bed, exhibit uncharacteristic behaviours or are starting to no longer be clean in the house.

Weight reduction: Excess weight certainly makes it more difficult to improve or manage health complaints, particularly where joint pain is concerned. It will also mean that the positive lifestyle changes that you put in place are less successful.

“Fat is not inert, it contains precursors of inflammatory mediators, which is like petrol on an arthritic joint fire” H Capon - Canine Arthritis Management

Pain relief and Supplements Many people are reluctant to resort to veterinary prescribed medication for pain relief but they can be really useful in the overall management of pain and inflammation and if used alongside an entirely holistic approach you can often greatly reduce the use for drugs altogether. It is important that the dog is not in pain and is encouraged to gently exercise with minimal compensatory movement, this will allow muscle tone to improve which aids in supporting fragile joints, maintaining weight loss and increasing the range of movement in joints. Non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are not without their side effects in longer term use particularly where the kidneys, liver and stomach are concerned, so this is why it is really important to make many other lifestyle changes that give an overall improvement to health and not just rely on medication.

There are many supplements available for aging dogs which can help with mobility issues brought on by old age. It is important to start early particularly with a dog who has been very active or for working and competition dogs that have suffered more wear and tear over the years. Glucosamine, chondroitin and green lipped mussel based supplements have been popular for some time in helping to improve the mobility of joints but there are also other natural ingredients that are often added such as Boswellia serrata, msm (methylsulfonylmethane) and turmeric which are used to for their anti-inflammatory properties. The inclusion of Omega 3 fatty acids in the diet is a great idea for mobility, improved coat and skin and overall reduction in inflammation.

Suitable Flooring & Home Improvements: Inappropriate flooring such as laminate and slippery tiles can really take their toll on arthritic, frail or nervous dogs. They struggle to grip on the surface underneath them causing strain on their joints, risk of falls and it can really knock their confidence. Simple additions of rubber backed runners and mats in these areas can make a huge difference.

Keeping any excess hair in between the pads, well trimmed will prevent slipping and also very importantly, keep the nails short. I will explain why this is just so important in managing the arthritic dog in the blog

Use a car ramp It is so much kinder to your dogs joints and particularly to their shoulders than jumping in and out of the car, not to mention the potential strain to your own back if you lift the dog to and from the boot of a car.

Take time to get them used to going up and down the ramp on a lead and support them by cradling chest and hind end or use a suitable harness to guide them up if necessary until they get confident using it, make it fun by using treats, it will be worth the effort and invaluable as the dog gets older. Purchase one that you find easy to use and importantly has non slip footing and ideally it should have a raised border which can help blind dogs sense that they are close to the edge of the ramp whilst walking up it.  Read our blog for more advice on this:

Dog beds Elderly dogs sleep a lot so providing a soft bed which offers protection and support for their joints is crucial. Some dogs love to stretch out and others curl up in a ball, so bear this in mind when choosing a bed. If you have the hard plastic beds make sure they are big enough so that the dog isn`t forced into an unnatural shape and that they have enough room to stretch out when needed, this is particularly important for neck and limb comfort. I find that senior dogs cope better with a raised bed, as this aids in getting up from a prone position. Not so high they have to jump down from it but raised enough to assist in getting on and off with ease. There are many new orthopaedic style dog beds that are really supportive and much more suitable than many blankets which end up entangled around the dogs legs and offer no support to the body.

Additional warmth can really help arthritic and elderly dogs, particularly in winter. The heat pads that are filled with wheat and placed into the microwave are very useful and for longer periods of constant heat, the Pet Remedy heat pad is excellent.

Exercise Requirements will start to change and this can become tricky in a multiple-dog household if you have an oldie that still thinks they can keep up with the younger dogs and as much as they enjoy themselves at the time the following days can see them really struggle because they have overdone it. There will come a time when the older dog needs to be walked separately so they get the benefit of exercise that is appropriate for them at their level of mobility.

Inappropriate exercise such as repeated ball throwing or vigorous tug-of-war games will have to become a thing of the past as they will undoubtedly undo any of the good work put in place with a holistic healthcare plan.

 If you have very elderly or frail dogs then all they need is a mooch around the garden or a very gentle short stroll, leaving them to dictate the pace. One of a dog’s greatest joys is sniffing and following a scent, so to prevent them from doing this is taking away one of their basic needs. It is so upsetting to see people dragging their elderly dogs behind them on a lead, it causes the dog stress and puts tremendous strain on their joints and muscles as they try and keep up with the handler.

Many dogs lose their confidence and feel vulnerable as they become frail or their eyesight and hearing fails, often becoming vocal or reactive, maybe for the first time in their life. See this as a sign that they are not coping well with the environment they are being exercised in and only allow familiar, calm dogs to interact with them or take the dog somewhere very quiet where they feel safe.

Complementary therapies are really helpful for the older dog and help keep them mobile. Massage and gentle body work is excellent and can pick up muscle weakness, compensatory movement, stiff joints and tight shortened muscles which when all the information is put together helps form a picture of how your dog is using their body and why that may be so. Ask your therapist for some homework you can do in between treatments. Heat pads are a good idea for very cold weather or use a soft fleece dog coat for additional warmth. Acupuncture is a fantastic treatment for the elderly dog and helps in managing arthritic conditions in particular. The fine needles are applied in very precise areas of the body to stimulate the release of endorphins which are the body’s own form of pain relief.

Age-related cognitive decline Is the canine equivalent of dementia which can vary in its symptoms from mild to severe. The symptoms can include staring into space, confusion at which way a door opens even though the dog may have used the same doorway for years, restlessness and becoming vocal at night, soiling in the house, and extreme changes in temperament towards people and other dogs. It is important to rule out other physical factors such as pain, infection, or sudden decline in eyesight for instance before coming up with a plan of action to manage the situation.

Although there is no cure for cognitive decline providing the dog with stimulating mind games such as hunting for treats and toys in the garden or using food puzzles and snuffle mats can help keep their minds active. The inclusion of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids in the diet will also help in some way to slow the decline down if the initial symptoms are spotted early.

Listed below are supplements that are targeted to support the needs of the aging dog and are all available on the Hedgerow Hounds shop.

The Golden Years herbal blend is handmade specifically to support the needs of senior dogs.