The Importance of Nail & Paw Care in Dogs

Caroline Hearn - MICHT. Dip. ICAT, Canine & Equine Sports & Holistic Therapist

Over long nails are not only prone to getting caught and torn but there are a number of very important reasons why it is wise to keep your dogs claws fairly short.

Claws which are too long can cause pain in the toes and put additional strain on the tendons and joints. The weight is distributed backwards and causes the pad to flatten so lessening the shock absorbing properties of the pads.

After time the dogs movement is compromised and this can add strain to the shoulder and elbow joints. In normal movement as the paw hits the ground and the metacarpal or palmar pad which is the largest pad touches the ground first, then the weight is rolled forward onto the digital pads of the toes as the foot prepares to leave the ground again. This should be an easy and smooth process causing no strain, but if the dog has over long claws it is usually these that hit the ground first causing discomfort and strain higher up the leg which will eventually cause compensatory movement.

So what can be done about trimming over long claws ?

As the claws grow down so does the sensitive quick contained within so it is something that will take some time to correct. The good news is that if a very small amount of nail is cut or filed away every few days then the quick will have time to recede so you can then start the process of shortening the nails safely.


If you are confident with the clippers and your dog allows you to do it, then take a small amount off maybe once a week either with clippers or a file. Obviously dogs with white nails are easier as you can often see the quick as a guide. With black nails always err on the cautious side and do little and often.

Include the dew claws, which are often forgotten as they are tucked away on the inside of the leg and sometimes hidden by the coat. These claws grow quickly as they are not in contact with the ground and can often curl round and dig into the skin if they are not regularly trimmed. Dew claws are an essential stability aid for active dogs and assist in stabilising the lower limb and while turning at speed.

If you are nervous of cutting the nails or your dog is very difficult then ask if the veterinary nurse can help. Once you are on top of it then you can maintain the length yourself with nail trimmers or the battery powdered nail grinder which is made specifically for gradually shortening dogs claws.

Walking on pavements a couple of times a week should help keep the nails short but also it strengthens the pads, ligaments and tendons within the foot.

It is also important to trim excess long hair from underneath the pads as this hair will cause slipping on flooring and also mat up and form into knocks or clumps of hair, making standing and walking uncomfortable.


There are a number of products which can help keep the pads, paws and nails in excellent condition.

Adore the Paw - Healing and Paw Balm

Green Clay


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